Thorpe Primary School

Where we all can shine

0113 5217040

Dolphin Lane, Thorpe, Wakefield,
West Yorkshire, WF3 3DG

History Curriculum Intent


At Thorpe Primary School our vision for history is for children to develop an understanding of the past and how history will shape their future through: thinking, engagement, action and motivation. History at Thorpe provides opportunities for children to think critically, debate evidence from valuable sources, generate chronological understanding and develop a passion for history.

  • To learn about significant people, places and events in history and understand the impact of them in order to appreciate their modern day lives.
  • To use primary and secondary sources to investigate the past and prompt critical thinking, enquiry and discussion.
  • To engage in discussions and work as part of a team to debate evidence from valuable sources.
  • To enjoy historical visits and take part in immersive enrichment opportunities which help develop children’s understanding and passion for history. 
  • To create opportunities for children to broaden their minds to other cultures and develop opinions about important events in history.
  • To understand about peoples’ lives and lifestyles and demonstrate respect for how these may differ from their own.
  • To challenge the reliability of a range of evidence and sources and understand how the past can be represented in different ways.
  • To understand the impact of historical people and events and use this information to inform our future behaviour.