Thorpe Primary School

Where we all can shine

0113 5217040

Dolphin Lane, Thorpe, Wakefield,
West Yorkshire, WF3 3DG

Maths Curriculum Intent

At Thorpe Primary School our overall vision for Maths is to develop children’s skills within the subject, in order to effectively apply mathematics across the curriculum and in everyday life. 

  • Through our teaching of Maths, we want children to learn how to calculate, reason and problem solve, enabling them to understand and appreciate relationships and pattern both in number and space in their everyday lives.
  • Through practical activity, exploration and discussion, we will encourage children to apply their mathematical skills to everyday situations enabling them to appreciate the value of Maths.
  • We want children to demonstrate lively, enquiring minds and the ability to ask and answer questions.
  • We want them to develop logical thinking and reasoning skills through a natural curiosity and investigative approaches.
  • With a mastery approach to fluency, reasoning and problem solving we strive to ensure children have enjoyment and enthusiasm for Maths, making real-life links across many areas of the curriculum.