Thorpe Primary School

Where we all can shine

0113 5217040

Dolphin Lane, Thorpe, Wakefield,
West Yorkshire, WF3 3DG

School Strategic Development Plan

The School Development Plan (SDP) is an essential working document that drives school improvement. It ensures we continue to offer the best teaching, support and care for all our children. 


Our Key Priorities 2024-2025


Over the past two years, we have had four main priorities for improvement: 

1) Embed a culture of high expectations and accountability

2) Improve rates of attendance and punctuality

3) Improve outcomes in writing

4) Improve the quality of education in the Early Years


This year, we are continuing to work on the above priorities, and adding in some extra objectives: 

  • Identify and embed agreed teaching strategies across classes to promote consistency
  • Create a bespoke Thorpe curriculum for our children, starting with writing and history
  • Further develop of Personal Development offer 


Our School Development Plan will be added to our website soon.